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Page history last edited by e4marketing 14 years, 8 months ago



More details about the ALTERNATIVY conference venue



The venue: Střední průmyslová škola a VOŠ, Masarykova 197, Kutná Hora

                          tel.: 327 512 956,  327 586 111


Conference Timing: 8.30 – 16.00

The registration starts at 8.30, the presentations at 9.00



Rooms have been pre-booked for the conference participants. Let us know if you are interested to stay in a friendly hotel  ´U kata´. Breakfast is included. There is a parking space at the hotel available.



will be offered. State if you are a vegetarian.  


How do I get to the venue:

A map can help you:  www.mapy.cz

GPS: Loc: 49°57'10.853"N, 15°16'29.252"E




By car: you can park at the hotel U kata where is the discussion forum on Thursday held. The Friday conference venue is just about a 7 minutes walk. If you wish to bring your car, do not park in front of the school but in the streets along,  please.


 Public transport: take a bus and get off at stop:  “U divadla´ just at the school . If you go to U kata, it takes you about 7 minutes to walk. 


Local Kutna Hora buses timetable is available at http://www.idos.cz    



By train: there is a bus stop in front of the main railway-station where you can take a local bus. It will take you about 20 minutes “U divadla´ just at the school .

It is more convenient to take the train to ´Hora – město´ (city centre) and then walk about 10 mint to the school. It only takes about 5 minutes to reach hotel and the CLICL and eTwinning discussion forum at U kata. 


Bus station is about a 7 minutes walk to both the U kata hotel as well as the venue.



TAXI  Makal Zdeněk: 327 512 618, 602 460 169



If you wish to bring your colleagues  or know other teachers interested in joining, it is still possible. Just let us know asap.



Regionální centrum AUA ČR, ICV&Jazyková škola, Jana Jílková, Ostašova 524

 284 01 Kutná  Hora,  e-mail:  jilkova.icvkh@tiscali.cz


See mnore at:



Have a save journey! See you soon!



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