AUA KH * Prihlaska pro prezentujici / Speakers Proposal Form
Kutna Hora One Day Conference*Seminars-Friday 29 January*29. ledna 2010
10. ročník / 10th ALTERNATIVES
Under the auspices of the Mayor of Kutna Hora*Pod záštitou starosty města Kutna Hora. Akreditace MSMT ČRName od the presenter/s:
Type of Presentation: (Please indicate your choice)
1. Talk (20 min, 45 min) 2. Workshop ( 45 min) 3. Poster 4 Other (please specify)
2. Workshop
Target Audience (Please indicate):
primary, lower-secondary, upper-secondary, tertiary, other:.............
If your contribution is on behalf of a publisher, please tick here
You can give more details.
Summary of Presentation in English (max. 80 - 100 words)
WORKSHOP Činnostní výuka mluvnice - nové materiály TEACHING GRAMMAR THROUGH ACTIVITIES
You can try new materials for teaching grammar and then use them in the classroom.
Tenses, modal verbs - things that come hard to some students in the elementary school.
SUmmary of Presentation in Czech (max. 80-100 words)
DÍLNA Vyzkoušejte si nové podklady pro výuku mluvnice a pak je využijte ve třídě.
Ukážeme si výuku toho obtížného pro některé žáky - časy, modální slovesa.
Equipment Requirements (Please indicate):
( ) video replay equipment ( ) cassette recorder ( ) Dataprojector ( ) OHP ( )
other (please specify) : .CD player
Please note that provision of other specified equipment will be subject to availability.
There are plans to publish Proceedings of the Conference;
further details of the format for those wishing to submit their contributions will be provided later.
Return this form together with the registration form by 15 October 2009 to the organiser in the e-mail attachment, please.
Vyplnene formulare prosim zaslete v priloze e-mailu * Return the forms as an e-mail attachment asap
Ms. Jana Jilkova, Regionalni centrum AUA CR, ICV, Ostasova 524, 284 01 Kutna Hora
* * *
Comments (1)
kelly@... said
at 12:21 pm on Jan 14, 2010
Potřebuji vědět dobu konání, abych mohla pozvat svoje učitele ze škol, tak jak jsme se domluvily. Děkuji !!!!
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